Green Bay Packers star linebacker Clay Matthews said Tuesday a gay teammate would have no problem in the Packers locker room. He shared his thoughts during an interview with WFAN’s Boomer Esiason and Craig Caron.

"No, we don't have a problem and I don't think we would," Matthews said, "because the unique thing about the NFL locker room that every player can attest to is the fact that we don't see race, religion or sexual orientation. We see simply, can you help us win ball games, can you help us produce on the football field?

"And I think that's what makes it so unique and so much different than PC America. That's why you can have a multitude of players who are black, white, Polynesian, gay, whatever it may be in this case, and come together and play for a common goal. I really don't think it will be an issue. I think it will be something more for the fans to use as fodder, as they make fun of any player."

Amazing how Matthews gets what so many in the media do not: This is not an issue for athletes and very quickly "can you help us win?" trumps everything else.