Live conversation with out gay coaches Micah Porter & Anthony Nicodemo, Thursday at 6pmET (via Outsports com)

Two openly gay high school coaches will join Outsports for a live Google hangout Thursday, March 6, at 6pmET. Anthony Nicodemo is the head boys basketball coach at Saunders High School in New York; Micah Porter is the head cross-country and track & field coach at D'Evelyn High School near Denver, Colo. Moderating the discussion will be Outports' Cyd Zeigler.

Porter and Nicodemo will talk about their experiences coaching their first season after coming out publicly as gay, the opportunities coming out opened up for them, what they've learned about sports in regards to LGBT issues, and any complications their coming out has created.

If you'd like to ask any questions of Nicodemo or Porter, you can leave them here and we'll be sure to get to them during the hangout.

The two men both came out publicly on Outsports last year. Both coaches are working with the You Can Play project. You can follow Porter and Nicodemo on Twitter.