Denver Broncos head coach John Fox was effusive today about Wade Davis’ presentation to NFL coaches, general managers and owners at the NFL annual meeting this week. Fox told Outsports at a media session with coaches that his mind was opened by what Davis said.

"I thought it was the most incredible presentation I've seen since I've been around here, and I've been here a long time," Fox said. "It's obvious the thing has become a bigger part of our NFL. Like everything, you have to learn how to motivate and deal with your locker room. It is a brotherhood, it is a family. You need diversification in everything, even sexual orientation. It has to be in the conversation now. So I thought it was pretty profound, it was definitely eye-opening for me, and like i said i enjoyed it as much as anything I've seen since I've been here."

Fox has been a head coach in the NFL since 2002 when he took over the Carolina Panthers.

He said while he hasn't addressed the issue in the past with his team and staff, he will now.

"I've probably not done as a good a job of that until now, but after Wade's presentation, it's high on my list the first time I get back to talk to my staff and my football team," Fox said.