The WWE has teamed up with the NOH8 campaign to send a clear message of support for LGBT Americans and same-sex equality. Various stars from the pro wrestling company are appearing in Adam Bouska's serial photo project stemming from the frustration he and partner Jeff Parshley felt when Prop 8 was passed in California.

"Our mission at WWE is to put smiles on people's faces and we do that, in part, by participating in initiatives that help fight bullying of all kinds," said Stephanie McMahon, Chief Brand Officer, WWE, who appears in the photos. "We are proud to support the LBGT community by taking part in the WWE NOH8 campaign."

WWE superstar Darren Young, who came out publicly as gay last year, is thrilled to see the WWE embrace equality.

"I am so honored to be a part of the WWE NOH8 campaign. The most important thing is to be able to live your life the way you want to, truthfully. NOH8 makes that possible."

They're promoting their participation on social media with #WWENOH8.

"NOH8 Campaign was proud to team up with the WWE in breaking new ground in the fight against bullying and discrimination and supplementing the work WWE has done with projects like Be A Star," said NOH8 founders Bouska and Parshley in a statement to Outsports. "When WWE Superstar Darren Young came out a few months back, WWE defined what it meant to be an ally when their executives, superstars, and divas came out in support of one of their own. To hear they wanted to get involved with NOH8 to further broadcast that support and continue to promote dialogue was surprising and refreshing, and the opportunity to amplify their voice is exactly what NOH8 Campaign is all about."