Regardless of what you think about pro wrestling, you have to simply love this epic, profanity-filled rant that WWE wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin gave when asked about gay marriage on his podcast:

"I'm for same-sex marriage. I don't give a shit if two guys, two gals, guy-gal, whatever it is, I believe that any human being in America, or any human being in the goddamn world, that wants to be married, and if it's same-sex, more power to 'em."
"What also chaps my ass, some of these churches, have the high horse that they get on and say 'we as a church do not believe in that.' Which one of these motherfuckers talked to God, and God said that same-sex marriage was a no-can-do?" … I got some damn good friends that are gay and I'm for same-sex marriage. I don't think there is a God that says you can't do this and you can't do that.
"OK, so two cats can't get married if they want to get married, but then a guy can go murder 14 people, molest five kids, then go to fucking prison, and accept God and He's going to let him into heaven? After the fact that he did all that shit? See that's all horseshit to me, that don't jive with me."
Sound clip courtesy of Deadspin:

I have nothing to add since he pretty much summed it up perfectly.