Michael Sam was not selected in the first three rounds of the NFL Draft. Most "experts" in the media did not predict he would go until Saturday. They were right. So where does Sam, who will be the first openly gay player drafted by an NFL team, stand headed into the final day of the draft?

All in all, fewer players at Sam's position have been selected than most experts predicted. CBS Sports had nine to 11 defensive ends being selected in the first three rounds; Only six were selected. They had Sam rated as the 15th-best defensive end and going in the fifth round.

NFL.com gave Sam a 5.1 grade in the draft. So far, four players rated 5.1 or lower by NFL.com have been selected, including defensive tackle Khyri Thornton.

Heading into the final day, it's anyone's guess when Sam will be drafted. With that said, it seems the media experts' predictions that he would go in the fourth or fifth round now seem spot-on.

That he's still on the board and available will make Saturday's final four rounds of the 2014 NFL Draft the most-watched final day ever.