Tony Dungy's homophobia is becoming a hot topic again this week after comments he made to the Tampa Tribune that he would not have drafted openly gay NFL then-prospect Michael Sam.

This isn’t the first time Dungy has expressed negative views about gay people. He previously raised money for an anti-gay organization in Indiana. Just last year he tweeted that he still does not “agree” with Jason Collins being gay. He tweeted this in response to a question by Stampede Blue:

We are curious to see how Dungy and NBC Sports try to spin Dungy's latest comments. He has a history of statements and actions that do not support gay people. Will he simply come out and make clear that he still believes homosexuality is a sin and that he doesn't "agree" with people being gay?

Or will he, like a coach afraid to draft a gay athlete, hide cowardly behind spin?

My guess is he'll tell us exactly what he thinks…