Tony Dungy created a firestorm that has dominated sports news this week. He said in an interview about two weeks ago that he wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam, and the story hit Monday. That touched off a series of accusations about homophobia and bigotry leveled at the first black head coach to win the Super Bowl. For his part, Sam has been nothing but gracious in his response to Dungy, saying that he was just glad Dungy isn't the head coach of the St. Louis Rams.

Wade Davis has been working with the NFL for most of the year on LGBT issues. He shares some of his thoughts on the Dungy issue as a gay man who played in several NFL preseasons and who is part of the NFL family. Plus, Cyd Zeigler questions Dungy's excuse that his comments were based on Oprah Winfrey's planned TV series for Sam.

You can follow Cyd Zeigler on Twitter @cydzeigler. Wade Davis is @wade_davis28.