David Tyree called me to talk on the phone this weekend. The New York Giants Super Bowl hero, hired recently by the team, has come under fire again in the last week for opposing same-sex marriage rights and for saying he knew people who had somehow changed their sexual orientation.

After speaking with him I believe there are some key things to remember.

First, as he told Wade Davis last week, he doesn't even know what gay conversion therapy is and never supported it.

Second, I'm sure his opposition to same-sex marriage hasn't changed. I don't like his position and I think it will look antiquated in a decade. But unless we're going to round up everyone in sports who opposes same-sex marriage, it's hard to tell the Giants they have to let Tyree go because of this.

And third, the New York Giant's aren't anti-gay! Their owner Steve Tisch proactively supported the very same marriage fight in New York that Tyree opposed. John Mara said incredibly positive things when Michael Sam came out. Spokesperson Pat Hanlon is awesome. When we held the Gay Bowl in New York, the Giants proudly send a lesbian employee who said the team was very inclusive. And the team has a great relationship with the You Can Play project.

Hopefully the inaccurate portrayals by some in the LGBT community will stop, and we can have a real dialogue about moving forward.