Every day I get a transcript of highlights from St. Louis Rams media interviews. For the last couple of months some entries and other media stories have involved some incarnation of the following, which I received yesterday:
(On how Sam has been fitting in)
"He's been doing a great job. We're treating him just like all the other rookies in the rookie class."
Really? After OTAs and several days of training camp the mainstream media is asking questions about how Michael Sam is "fitting it"? Why not just ask if the gay rookie defensive end is hitting on guys in the shower? That's the nonsense these beat reporters and small-minded media members bring to the conversation.
I've said for years the biggest issue holding more gay athletes from coming out is the media. This is case-in-point. These people still think a gay athlete is such an oddity, there must be an issue with him fitting into the team. The players don't have an issue. The coaches don't have an issue. No, it's the media guys who sit most of the day at their computer instead of opening their eyes to the current state of pro sports: Gay athletes are welcome members of a team…and it's your bullshit questions that are keeping any semblance of an issue alive.