Scenes from around the Gay Games:

Camera-shy canine
One funny moment at the opening Sunday of the Festival Village, a spot for Gay Games athletes and fans, was when a Cleveland Police officer of the bomb squad and his bomb-sniffing German Shepherd posed with two shirtless models of a new gay app, Grunt.

The cop was having a ball but the dog refused to sit still for the photo. He has no problem sniffing bombs and is very-well trained, the officer said, but he hates posing for photos. Temperamental and bitchy? The dog has a modeling career ahead.

Priorities in order

The quote of the Gay Games will likely have been from this gold medalist in the triathlon who told us Sunday morning after his competition: “Now I can focus on what’s important: cocktails and cock.” — Cyd Zeigler Jr.


Perfect timing
The rowing event took place on the Cuyahoga River and rowers faced some obstacles in the form of giant barges. Competition was stopped twice when a barge was coming down the river, forcing the rowers to cool their heels and delaying the end of the event for a couple of hours. The event DJ had a sense of humor and played Gordon Lightfoot's "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" as one barge floated by.

Hot yet twisted
A religious zealot standing on the corner telling gays they are going to hell is a common staple of pride events. One was in evidence near the entrance to the Gay Games Festival Village. He wasn't a yeller and seemed almost polite in informing us of our eternal damnation. The guy was tall, handsome, well-groomed, wearing reflective sunglasses and his big biceps bulged in a tight Cleveland Browns T-shirt. He looked like he belonged at a circuit party. Either it was some kind of performance art or he was one hot dude with some serious issues.

Midwest nice
After being here three days, Cleveland and Akron are getting a gold medal for hospitality. Everyone we have encountered has been unfailingly polite, helpful and friendly, a sign that the cities are proud to be hosting such an event.

A pair of allies

I am usually not big on political speeches, but it was cool to see Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio at the Opening Ceremony. He has long been a champion of LGBT issues and was one of the rare few members of Congress to vote against the vile Defense of Marriage Act that was passed in 1996. I also love his wife, the columnist Connie Schultz, a brilliant columnist and LGBT champion.

Double billing

One sign you are at a gay event: The official schedule of events Monday promotes an interfaith service from 7 to 9 p.m. and the White Party from 7 p.m. to midnight.

Parting shot (from the triathlon:)

(click for large view)


Brent Mullins photo