Chris Kluwe has reached a settlement with the Minnesota Vikings over claims Kluwe made against the team of anti-gay behavior. The settlement will include donations to LGBT organizations and a commitment to end anti-LGBT bias within the organization.

Kluwe's lawyer told Tom Pelissero of USA Today that this "absolutely" ends Kluwe's threat of a lawsuit. Pelissero Tweeted that he has gotten confirmation from the Vikings that a settlement has been reached:

Kluwe has confirmed the settlement and released these details:

Earlier this year Kluwe penned a piece for Deadspin – I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot – in which made various allegations about his final year with the Minnesota Vikings. Among the most egregious was an alleged comment by special teams coach Mike Prieffer that "we should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows."

An investigation report was released last month corroborating some of what Kluwe said while making it clear that Kluwe was likely released for football reasons and not for his social-justice activism. Priefer has been suspended the first three games of the 2014 NFL season and will donate $100k to LGBT charities.

Following the release of the report, Kluwe took to Twitter and lobbed more allegations, including one of players making advancements on underage girls. The focus of the case quickly shifted from LGBT issues to a personal battle between Kluwe and the Vikings.

A big question remaining is the release of the full report of the Vikings' investigation. The Vikings have released a report of the report, but Kluwe has said the release of the full report is a deal-breaker.

If the case had gone to court, it was set to be an ugly one. From USA Today late last week:

Halunen and Kluwe were discussing a suit that would have alleged religious discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, defamation and tortious interference with contractual obligations, resulting in Kluwe's release from the team in May 2013 after what he says was a pattern of intolerant language by special teams coordinator Mike Priefer related to Kluwe's activism on gay marriage.