At a game against the Brooklyn Nets Thursday night, Blake Griffin had taken a seat late in the game en route to a 123-84 win for the Los Angeles Clippers. Clearly in a good, frisky mood, Griffin decided he wanted to pull his trainers’ face over for a simulated sex act

There’s so much to say about that. There’s the obvious fun Griffin was trying to have with the trainer. There’s the issues of domination our culture associates with being the performer of fellatio. There’s the fact that this was wide out in the open during a game on national television.

And then there's the fact that Griffin was simulating sex with another man.

When I showed the video to a couple guys at the LGBT Sports Coalition meeting on Friday, there was a mix of reaction that ranged from "so gay" to "is that homophobic" to "that's just what guys do."

How do you see it?