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NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference today, a kind of "State of the League" address. He took questions for about 45 minutes after he made opening remarks.
In those opening remarks he talked about what he called "real progress" the NFL has made, then he detailed some of that progress.
Sadly, he did not address the issue of gay athletes. None of the questions raised addressed the issue. Almost a year after Michael Sam came out, it seems issues about deflated balls are more important to folks here than the acceptance of gay athletes.
I raised my hand and just didn't get called on (I was probably one of 50 who didn't get called on; Only about 15% of the people who wanted to ask a question got to). I had been able to ask a question at the less-attended NFL Annual Meeting in Orlando last March.
But if I were able to ask a question, this is what I would have asked:
"You started your remarks by talking about what you called "real progress." 51 weeks ago a young man named Michael Sam, projected as a 3rd to 5th round draft pick, came out publicly as gay. He was selected with the 9th to last pick in the draft, cut by two teams and never made an active roster. He hasn't received a futures contract yet. Coming up on the one year anniversary of Michael's coming out, what "real progress" has the league made on the acceptance of gay players?"