While sports is held up as this particularly homophobic institution in our culture, living in Hollywood I know and have known gay people in entertainment who simply won't come out of the closet. Some of them, like Jim Parsons and Sean Hayes, have found their way out. Others simply won't do it.

With Outsports we have a special tool in sports to tell the stories of LGBT people in sports. AfterEllen and TheBacklot are the two closest counterparts in the entertainment world. We have been intent on telling the stories of as many LGBT in sports as we possibly can over the last year, and we expect that mission to be on proverbial steroids in 2015. More stories are coming.

By the end of 2015, I think there will be more publicly out LGBT athletes in sports than out actors in Hollywood. More of these stories will be told in sports this year than in entertainment. There are a couple reasons for that, which I tackle in the video above.

It's a concept not even considered just a few years ago. But as all the members of the LGBT Sports Coalition work to open sports for everyone, the day when the institution of sports in this country is a model for inclusion is on the horizon.