In the end, God picked the gays. He picked the Christians who didn’t use their public platform to demean LGBT children. He picked the Kansas City Royals to beat the New York Mets and Daniel Murphy, who chose a different, particularly harmful path.

God chose gay love over anti-gay hate.

In winning the World Series, 4-1, the Royals didn't just win, they embarrassed the Mets and their anti-gay "star." No Met contributed more to his team's World Series demise than did Murphy, whose two errors in Games 4 and 5 were critical to both of the Royals' game-winning rallies. He was also atrocious at the plate.

This was no coincidence. Just as Murphy has credited God with his success and his team's victories, God was equally present for his crushing defeat. You can't credit Jesus and the Holy Spirit when you're hitting great without wondering "what the hell did I do to deserve this?" when they suddenly smack you down.

For those of you who are LGBT fans of the Mets, take solace: Your fandom is as legitimate as that of any Patriots or New York Giants fan who cheers for a team that embraces people of every sexual orientation and gender identity. Fandom is at its core irrational. I’m a New England Patriots fan living in Los Angeles. If Bill Belichick tomorrow said he would kick a gay person off of his team, I would still secretly, deep down in my heart, want the team to succeed. Jim Buzinski, the other half of Outsports, cheered heartily for the Indianapolis Colts despite its head coach raising money to fight against equality for gay people.

Many of us gravitate toward teams because of their embrace of LGBT issues. Few true fans abandon “their team” because it suddenly seems to be stuck in 1972, but the reverse is often true. I could not count how many gay people I know who were suddenly St. Louis Rams fans in the summer of 2014 because they drafted Michael Sam. A couple people told me they have been cheering for the Royals in this World Series because of the team’s publicly out gay executive, Matt Schulte.

Whatever your sports preference, what we know is that the New York Mets this postseason became a symbol of homophobia because their star player Daniel Murphy said some nasty things about gay people that he couched as the love of a devout Christian. He even got some gay people to defend his bigoted "religious beliefs." He credited God and Jesus with his strong play when he was hitting well.

Yet in the World Series, on the most important international stage, when it mattered the most, that same God rejected Murphy. He embarrassed him, making him the goat of Game 4 in a burough called "Queens," forcing him into another embarrassing error in Game 5, and frosting his bat with a coat of ice for the series as Murphy hit just three balls in 20 at bats. That's a miserable batting average of .150.

In the end, God said "No." He told Murphy and the rest of the world that his name is not to be used to defend and promote bigotry. He sent a reminder of why he shared his son, Jesus Christ, with the world: To promote love and remove judgment from the hearts of people.

In the end, God rejected Daniel Murphy, his bat, his glove and his team.

In the end, God picked the Royals.

Every LGBT person, whether they are a Mets fan or not, has some reason to celebrate.