Major League Baseball is recruiting LGBT people for team front offices, and they want you. Billy Bean and MLB exec Wendy Lewis have not been quiet about their efforts to ensure opportunities for out LGBT people to find careers in baseball as they have been reaching out to the community about their upcoming Diversity Business Summit in March. Our article this week highlighted their efforts and introduced people to two current out gay MLB team execs Orioles‘ Greg Bader and Nationals‘ Steve Reed – who have been widely accepted by their teams. How much of an impact do these efforts have? And will that translate into more opportunities?

When Gus Kenworthy came out on the cover of ESPN The Magazine, he got tons of attention for breaking a barrier in a “bro” sport and doing it as an Olympic medalist. Yet one other pro skier didn’t much like how Kenworthy came out and the seeming attention he was drawing to himself for being gay. Is there such thing as too much attention for a gay athlete? And do this other skier’s comments show that some teammates might not like the attention a gay athlete receives?