Michael Sam has applied for a spot in the NFL’s Veteran Combine, a new one-day opportunity for non-rookies who may have fallen through the cracks to show their stuff to the 32 NFL teams. The Veteran Combine will take place March 22 in Phoenix, just before the NFL Annual Meeting of owners, executives and coaches.

In case anyone was wondering, Michael Sam is in fact pushing forward with his goal of making it in the NFL. In a big way. As we reported earlier, he is working out daily at the Michael Johnson Performance in Dallas to be in top shape for his offseason run at a roster spot.

Sam's performance at the Rookie Combine last year was less than stellar. While he made no excuses, it was two weeks after he had come out publicly and he had a lot on his mind. He performed much better at his Missouri Pro Day a month later.

Given those circumstances at last year's Combine, and the surprising lack of proactive calls to Sam by NFL teams over the last few months, it would be shocking if the NFL did not invite Sam to the Veteran Combine.