Gaelic football player Ger Brennan says it's not anti-gay to oppose same-sex marriage, as he is proudly set to vote against legalizing the union of two men or two women in the upcoming Ireland vote. Reasonable people realize that is the essential definition of "anti-gay."

The Irish referendum vote is this Friday, May 22. It seeks to change the Irish constitution to say, "marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex."

Yet Brennan thinks this will destroy children.

"I am voting 'No' because I don't want our Constitution to deny that it is a good thing for a child to have a mother and a father," Brennan said, according to Christian Institute.

Brennan joins other Irish sports stars, including Eamon McGee, in opposing same-sex marriage. McGee says he has received hate mail over his stance, but that he's "doing the right thing."

Interestingly, Brennan made comments last year that thrilled LGBT activists:

"To the family, girlfriends, boyfriends of the players and everyone involved, there's a lot of work that goes into playing for your club team and the county, and there's always an awful lot of support behind us."

The positive reference, of course, was thanking any potential boyfriends of his teammates.

These latest comments won't thrill anyone but people against equality. The idea that same-sex marriage should be banned because children need a mother and a father is totally absurd. Children are raised by same-sex couples and turn out great. At the same time, half of heterosexual marriages end in divorce and many children have to deal with broken homes.

The latest polls say the marriage referendum is likely to pass. It would legalize same-sex marriage in one of the most devoutly Catholic countries in the world.