We've long decried the "kiss cam" at sports stadiums since they have often had uncomfortable moments when two guys were shown and everyone was embarrassed over whether they would actually kiss. But there was a genuinely nice moment Saturday at Dodger Stadium when the kiss cam showed two guys who engaged in a passionate, heartfelt kiss (it happens 28 seconds in):

The crowd cheers loudly and no booing can be heard. One fan, Steven Hartline, told the Gaily Grind about the moment:

My natural instinct was this was for a gag/cheap laugh, but the two men turned to each other and kiss, indicating they are a real-life loving couple, not a punchline. Could this the first for a MLB game?

Either way, I'm glad I was there, as it felt historic, and was proud of the loud, enthusiastic response from the crowd. Not one person around me groaned or made derogatory remarks, and seemed genuinely pleased with the moment.

I don't know if it's the first same-sex kiss at an MLB game but it's a far cry from 2000 when Dodger Stadium security kicked out two lesbians who were kissing in the stands.