Here is a weird story out of India — the gay son of N Srinivasan, a powerful industrialist who now heads the International Cricket Council, says he and his partner are being held prisoner by his dad who wants him to marry a woman.

"I want my father to give me my share of the family property and let me live my life like I want with my partner Avi [Mukherjee,]" Ashwin Srinivasan told dna. "We're being held captive against our will and tortured by my father who wants me to break up with Avi, get married and have children to further the family line."

DNA ran six letters handwritten by N Srinivasan where his disapproves of his son being gay and wants him to marry a woman. One of the letters said:

"I have saved money through my own hard work.That is to say my wealth is self earned. I would like it go to my flesh and blood – I want a lineage to carry on the business. I can't give it to strangers [meaning his son's male partner]. Therefore I think it will be good idea for you to marry a girl acceptable to us which probably might enable creation of a lineage."

"You need to re-enter normal society which you left years ago. Until you change, I am going to induct Rupa [Ashwin's sister] on to the India Cements Board. You can also join the board after you accomplish the changes I have suggested."

The letters go on in that vein and make references to the father wanted his son to reenter "normal" society. For his part, N Srinivasan would not comment on the letters of his son's allegations, saying it is a private matter.