Detroit News baseball writer Tony Paul and I have been sending emails back and forth for the better part of the last eight months as he has tried to figure out how to come out publicly. We had talked about him writing it during the offseason, but he couldn't find the words. I encouraged him to post something for Spring Training, but it just didn't take. I sent him Boston Herald sports writer Steve Buckley's coming-out column from several years ago in hopes he might figure out how to tell his readers, "I'm gay."

When the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide on Friday, Paul found the words.

At the end of his appearance on Detroit ABC 7's Sports Cafe, the final words went to Paul, who for the first time talked about being gay in regards to a past marriage proposal and what it meant for him to finally have the legal right to marry someone he loves.

To those of you on the other side, and that includes my parents, at least you can take solace in knowing that this law will have absolutely no effect on your life, unless, that is, you're open to attending some absolutely fabulous weddings in the coming summers.

I once was proposed to, with a ring and all, it was about five years ago or so. For a number of reasons I said no, one of them being same-sex marriage wasn't yet legal in Michigan, and I wasn't at all interested in getting married out of state only to return to Michigan single in the eyes of my home state, the state I've always returned to from jobs elsewhere around the country.

Congratulations, Tony Paul. And welcome to the club.

You can find him on Twitter @tonypaul1984.