The Rio Summer Olympics are still more than six months away, but judging by their bodies, swimmer Michael Phelps and diver Tom Daley look more than ready.

Phelps' rather bronze body was on display when he made an appearance at Arizona State's "Curtain of Distraction" last week, where students behind the basketball backcourt line try and distract an opposing free throw shooter. In Phelps' case, the shooter missed twice.

Daley's bod was on display at the British diving championships, where he took gold. The tabloids took note of his "sculpted physique and washboard abs." It's easy to see why. Daley is making a series of YouTube videos on diet and nutrition ("Can lemons give you abs?) and in his case whatever he is doing is working well.

Here are Phelps and Daley on display (Daley photos by Getty Images; Phelps by USA TODAY).