Note: Quotes are translated via Google translator and edited for clarity. Original quotes can be found at Fox Sports Asia.

A gay college volleyball player in the Philippines has opened up about being out on his team. Setter Vincent Magdaong talked with Fox Sports Asia about his experiences being out and gay in volleyball.

"Everyone can play sports," Magdaong said. "No matter who you are or not, you should play. I really haven't faced any discrimination. "

He plays for the University of the East Red Warriors, located in Manila. One interesting tidbit is that his coach, Ruel Pascua, admits to formerly having a "straights-only" policy on his team (that, of course, was impossible to enforce). Now his perspective has changed.

"There are definitely schools that do not accept gay athletes," the coach told Fox Sports. "When I was in high school I really did not. But when I saw how productive and helpful they can be, I changed."

The Fox Sports piece is an interesting read, particularly some of the topics addressed, including whether Magdaong is "manly" or not. It's almost like reading a piece on a gay American athlete from 2001. Still, progress is progress.

You can find Vincent Magdaong on Facebook.