"I think a lot more athletes and people in the sports world will need to come out before we really see the change." Those are the words of Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr when asked about acceptance of gay people in sports.

Kerr, speaking to HBO's "Real Sports" for a segment on openly gay Warriors President Rick Welts, also said that for gays in sports "it's still not where it needs to be in terms of total acceptance."

He was also asked whether the NBA should treat gay slurs the same as it does racist ones. "I think the NBA needs to treat it exactly as they would a racist word. It's the same thing, it's discrimination."

What Kerr said is obvious but remains a conundrum. Full acceptance won't happen until more LGBT people in sports, especially gay men, come out. But as long as the concern over acceptance remains, people will be reluctant to come out. We need more people in positions of power like Kerr to speak out.

You can watch the segment here: