Abby Wambach will be front-and-center during a Super Bowl commercial this weekend for Mini Cooper. The out lesbian and soccer sensation, who won the Women's World Cup with her United States team last summer, stands in front of the car in the ad.

"This is a 'gay car,'" she says, with heavy emphasis on air quotes.

Her inclusion is part of Mini Cooper's #DefyLabels campaign and features other celebrities like Serena Williams and Randy Johnson showing how the car is also a "chick car" and "a short man's car."

Mini also put out a great 90-second video of Wambach talking about the labels she has had to endure over her life.

"My labels that I've been labeled in my life? I've been called a girl, tomboy, dyke, a lesbian, a butch, bitch. A lot of them. And I don't care."

It's noteworthy that the commercial opens with two female athletes who both had great accomplishments in their sport in 2015. Williams recently lost in the final match at the Australian Open.