The Sports Equality Foundation is looking for current student-athletes to fill out a key advisory committee that will help steer the direction of the newly formed foundation.

The student-advisory committee will serve a vital role in advising the board on the initiatives that will best address the real needs of LGBT student-athletes in high school and college. To be eligible, applicants must have at least one more year of eligibility as the term will reach well into 2017 or beyond. Only active student-athletes are eligible. It is critical to the foundation's mission that current young athletes have a direct voice in the direction of the foundation's actions.

"The student-athlete advisory board will give actual LGBT athletes the opportunity to share their thoughts and provide direct feedback to our board," said board member Anthony Nicodemo, chair of the advisory committee. "The SEF will give them the opportunity to use their visibility to change culture."

The foundation was formed to accelerate the coming-out process in sports, which the founders believe is the engine that drives and demonstrates the LGBT acceptance that continues to grow in sports.

Some very influential people are already on the foundation's advisory board: Major League Baseball vice-president Billy Bean, publicist and coming-out expert Howard Bragman, Former NBA player Jason Collins, ESPN baseball editor Christina Kahrl, Willamette University football player Conner Mertens, and Pennsylvania state official and former college football captain Brian Sims.

The Foundation has already made its first grant, assisting young out LGBT people who seek a career in professional sports attend the Major League Baseball Diversity Business Summit.

You can find the application for the Sports Equality Foundation's student-advisory committee by clicking here.