In a new poll, 56% of Division 1 basketball coaches tell CBS Sports that the NCAA should refrain from hosting anymore tournament games in North Carolina. Over the last few weeks CBS Sports has conducted interviews of 110 Division 1 basketball coaches about various issues.

One of the questions they asked hit on a very hot topic: “Should the NCAA refuse to host any more NCAA tournament games in North Carolina until the HB2 law is amended or eradicated?”

The question came as the NBA was trying to determine whether it should pull its All-Star Game from Charlotte in the wake of the anti-LGBT HB2 bill, which most importantly discriminates against trans people. The NBA announced two weeks ago that it would withdraw the game from North Carolina.

"The only way for the populous to influence the decision-makers is by actions that bring light to the issue," one coach told USA Today. "What the NBA did was significant and created a conversation. The NCAA should be doing the same thing. The ACC should do the same thing with their tournament that is in Greensboro this year. I would love to see the coaches of UNC, Duke and NC State come out and say it."

One coach who opposes withdrawing from North Carolina told USA Today that they support the bill.

"The NCAA should host games in North Carolina regardless of this law," that coach said. "My biggest problem with this is not that I am against LGBT, but that I am for protection of kids. If my little girl is in a bathroom by herself, I would prefer not to have a male (dressed as a female) using that restroom with her."