Tom Bosworth, a race walker from Britain who is openly gay, had a very successful Olympics, finishing sixth in the 20K race walking event today and setting a personal best in the process.

Bosworth had a big grin as he finished the grueling event (20K is 12 miles) in 1 hour, 20.13 seconds. The race was won by Wang Zhen of China. Cai Zelin of China took the silver and Dane Bird-Smith of Australia the bronze.
Bosworth finished 36 seconds behind Bird-Smith for the bronze and 59 seconds behind the leader. Bosworth led at the halfway point before being passed by other race walkers. There were 74 race walkers who started the event.

Bosworth, 26, came out openly as gay last October, telling the BBC: "I'm really lucky. I've got a loving partner, great family behind me and a great setup in Leeds [where he lives]. Everyone is really supportive and really welcoming. … But that's not the same for anybody else, unfortunately."

Team Great Britain was stoked by Bosworth's performance:

Bosworth is 1 of 49 openly gay Olympians in Rio.