The United Soccer League has suspended and fined Orange County Blues FC player Richard Chaplow for calling openly gay soccer player Robbie Rogers gay epithets during a match on Aug. 20. Chaplow has been suspended for two games and fined an undisclosed amount.

From the USL:

The suspension was determined following the USL Disciplinary Committee's investigation into the matter that included a video review, speaking with the referee, as well as players and staff from both teams.

"The USL has zero tolerance for this type of behavior," said Jake Edwards, President of the USL. "We cannot, nor will we, condone any language that is counter to the values we have instilled throughout the USL."

Chaplow apologized on Twitter for his outburst during the game but also said that he never used any homophobic slurs, saying in his defense that he has family members who are part of the LGBT community.

Apparently the United Soccer League didn't believe him. His team is sticking by their player, though, saying Rogers' claim of homophobic slurs is false:

After several days of constant inquiry, staff and player interviews, and a comprehensive investigation by USL officials in collaboration with the OC Blues and the LA Galaxy, it was revealed that there was no compelling evidence to substantiate a claim that Richard did in fact use a homophobic slur towards Mr. Rogers. Nevertheless, Richard received a two-game suspension and a fine for the use of profane language directed towards another player.