Earlier this year the San Diego Padres asked the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus to sing the National Anthem before a game. It was a much-reported disaster. As the Chorus stood on the field, the DJ operating the stadium’s sound system played a track of a woman singing the Star-Spangled Banner. Disaster.

The Chorus was pissed. The LGBT community cried foul. The DJ was fired. The Padres went into public-relations over-drive.

Since then, the Chorus and the Padres have done a wonderful job of mending fences. The DJ was re-hired by the Padres. Despite the issue now clearly being a horrifically timed technical issue, the Padres have gone out of their way to embrace the chorus.

The latest is the announcement that the Padres will be sponsors of the Chorus’ holiday show this December.

“‘Jingle’ is a festive and entertaining holiday tradition in our community,” Padres President and CEO Mike Dee said in a statement obtained by the San Diego Tribune. “The Padres are proud to support the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus and to provide the opportunity for many San Diegans to experience this special show for the first time.”

Despite the instigating incident being an honest mistake, the Padres couldn’t be handling this better or embracing the LGBT community better. Kudos to them.

You can buy tickets to the event here.