Baltimore Ravens running back Alex Collins has gone from unemployment to a potential NFL rising star over the last six weeks. A recent tweet, noticed by ESPN’s Jamison Hensley, from the young man is now opening people’s eyes to a potential rising star off the field.

An Iowa woman named Joanne Tubbs tweeted at Collins last Friday seeking encouragement for a young boy.

“Any advice for a 12yr old boy getting bullied for taking Irish dance lessons?” Tubbs tweeted. “Maybe a shoutout to dancer Carl from you would help?”

Collins stepped up with the very advice he probably received as a young football player:

Reading through other tweets by Collins, or posted by others mentioning the running back, it’s apparent this is his character: warm, engaged and positive. If he continues to improve and produce on the field, he could be a guy we cheer about for a while.

Collins played for the Seattle Seahawks last year. With the Ravens, he has averaged an impressive 7.1 yards per carry this season and is earning a larger workload every week so far.