The NFL’s My Cleats My Clause campaign this weekend allows players to wear personalized cleats that promote a cause they are passionate about. For nine players, that cause is preventing bullying.

It’s powerful that nine men playing our most macho of games see this as an issue, and some of them were themselves bullied. Bullying is a problem for kids, especially those who are LGBT or suspected of being such. Being bullied can sometimes lead to those bullied taking their lives.

The anti-bullying message was the only link to LGBT issues I could find in sorting through the hundreds of causes listed by players from each of the 32 teams.

The vast majority deal with cancer or other diseases, general support programs for youth or veterans outreach. (And then there’s Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, who can’t wear special cleats because he forgot to turn in the paperwork on time.)

I suspect that LGBT rights might be seen as “too political” by some, or else it’s not an issue especially dear to any one player’s heart. There are few players wearing cleats that support any sort of political cause. Los Angeles Chargers backup quarterback Kellen Clemens is supporting the anti-abortion National Right to Life organization. At least one player is wearing cleats supporting Colin Kaepernick, the former 49ers quarterback who sparked the movement to protest during the national anthem last year.

Here are the nine players whose cleats promote an anti-bullying message:
Deone Bucannon, Arizona Cardinals linebacker

Deone Bucannon

"I want to give a voice to the kids that are affected by bullying. My advice: Be nice, you never know what someone is going through."

Carlos Dunlap, Cincinnati Bengals defensive lineman

Carlos Dunlap

His Bully Free Zone is inspired by the story of 8-year-old Gabriel Taye of Cincinnati, who killed himself after being viciously bullied. "You should never have to feel like you have to stand up to the bully alone," Dunlap said.

Randall Telfer, Cleveland Browns tight end

Randall Telfer

His cause Boo2bullying "empowers me to strive for change. I have family who have been affected by by bullying. I want people who are bullied to know that you are and will always be loved.”

Tyrone Crawford, Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman

Tyrone Crawford

"Growing up, I was bullied and was the bully at times. I know the effects it has on children and I want to change that culture."

Mike Daniels, Green Bay Packers defensive lineman

Mike Daniels

"I was bullied when I was a child. I want to let kids affected know to never let anyone hinder you from being who and what you want to be."

Tyler Higbee, Los Angeles Rams tight end

Tyler Higbee

"I got involved to help prevent bullying in the youth. I want to give a voice to some kids that struggle."

Kerry Wynn, New York Giants defensive lineman

Kerry Wynn

"I have seen plenty of bullying in my life and often no one steps in to help. So I hope I can raise awareness for the importance of anti-bullying."

Jonotthan Harrison, New York Jets center

Jonotthan Harrison

"When I was younger, I was bullied because of my race. I want to make sure that kids can grow up, have fun, and not be concerned about getting teased or bullied." His cause is Stomp Out Bullying

Blair Walsh, Seattle Seahawks kicker

Blair Walsh

Walsh's cleats support The Bully Project, which notes: "In a nationwide survey, children feared anti-gay harassment more than any other kind of name-calling."