A new documentary series will revolve around a gay couple whom Outsports profiled earlier this year.
GenerationQ will highlight the stories of LGBTQ people living out and proud in the Midwest. The series will feature Brad Neumann and Justin Rabon, the gay Univ. of Minnesota track & field athletes who have been together for about three years. You can help make the docuseries a reality by donating to the project.
The filmmaker, Alec Fischer, shared some of his thoughts on the project with Outsports:
“This documentary series is important to me for many reasons,” Fischer told Outsports. “I think the biggest revolves around the concept of representation. In my own experience, the types of stories being told with this project weren't available anywhere when I was growing up as a closeted gay teenager.
“The pilot season of GenerationQ presents diverse stories from the Midwest in ways that have the ability to break down barriers, eradicate stigma and combat ignorance through understanding. If a younger person questioning their identity can see themselves represented in the stories being told through this series, my hope is that they will be able to feel affirmed and loved for who they are regardless of their current environment.”
Yet the series isn’t just for the LGBTQ community. Fischer hopes straight and cisgender people will also see these stories and build understanding.
“If someone who doesn't understand the LGBTQ+ community watches any of these episodes, they have the ability to gather more insight about our experiences, which could lead to further understanding and potential acceptance.”
The preview trailer is absolutely gorgeous. Produced and directed by exciting young filmmaker Fischer, we see a wide range of camera uses with a nice mixture of sit-down, environmental and mood-setting shots.
You can see the series trailer here, and you can also donate to the larger project on Gofundme.