When Texas high school wrestler Mack Beggs won a state championship last month, the conversation about participation by trans athletes — particularly those in high school — went from theory to reality. While there have been trans athletes participating for years, Beggs’ success, and the unfair treatment he and other athletes were getting in Texas, was glaring.

Now USA Wrestling has responded, making it clear that Beggs is a boy and will wrestle against other boys. While some reports have said that Beggs can now wrestle boys, the policy is clear: Any self-identifying trans boy must wrestle boys.

That, however, only pertains to the high school offseason. While competing for his high school, he is still governed by Texas state policy, over which USA Wrestling has no control. Texas policy currently states that athletes must wrestle as the sex on their birth certificate.

You can see the trans policies of over two dozen national and international sports organizations by visiting transathlete.com.