News item from WNCN in North Carolina: “A bill filed by three Republican lawmakers looks to ban gay marriage in North Carolina.

“The ‘Uphold Historical Marriage Act’ says the U.S. Supreme Court over stepped its ‘constitutional bounds’ when in 2015 it struck down what was known as Amendment One.

“Rep. Larry Pittman (R-Cabarrus), Rep. Michael Speciale (R-Beaufort) and Rep. Carl Ford (R-Cabarrus) are the primary sponsors of House Bill 780.

“The bill says the Supreme Court not only overstepped their power in North Carolina but also overstepped the ‘the decree of Almighty God that “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become 22 one flesh. (Genesis 2:24, ESV)” “

This bill is not likely to become law and would run afoul of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling from 2015, but the fact that is was introduced two weeks after legislators repealed anti-LGBT HB2 (replacing it with a just-as-bad version) shows that anti-LGBT bias is alive and well and that the state is not fit to host NCAA events.

Last week, the NCAA said that North Carolina was now again eligible to host championship events, and kept ones through the 2017-18 season. No sites have been named yet for events yet beyond that. This anti-same sex marriage bill is one sign that the HB2 repeal was just for show and that Republican lawmakers are as homophobic and transphobic as ever. The state should not be rewarded.