The Los Angeles Rams have put their money where their pride is, paying for part of a rainbow light installation in Venice for Pride Month.

The team has paid for the entire lot of blue “C” lights that will adorn a popular VENICE sign in the ocean-side village of Los Angeles.

“It’s great for Venice, for the Rams’ organization and for the LGBT community,” Venice Pride E.D. Grant Turck told The Los Angeles Blade. “Hopefully this is the beginning of even bolder outreach efforts to our diverse community.”

The Rams drafted openly gay rookie prospect Michael Sam in the 2014 NFL Draft when he slipped to the seventh round. Last year Molly Higgins, the Rams vice-president of community affairs and engagement, talked with me about being gay in the Rams organization. Various members of the Rams organization have privately expressed their support of the LGBT community to Outsports.

"As it relates to the LGBT community, it won't be a focus that will need to be manufactured with the move to a more diverse community," Higgins said last summer. "It's a focus that has always existed internally and now we have an opportunity to better show the world who we are as an organization.