The fiancee of Aaron Hernandez, the ex-New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer who killed himself in prison last month, did not think he was gay or bisexual, she told the “Dr. Phil” show.

“I had no indication or any feeling that he was [gay],” Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez said. 'He was very much a man to me. I don't know where this came from.

'It's embarrassing in a sense, it's hurtful. Regardless if it was true or not, it's just not something that I saw. It's not something I believe and it's not him.”

Hernandez was convicted in the 2013 murder of Odin Lloyd. The former tight end hung himself in his Massachusetts prison cell last month.

His fiancee also disputed a claim that Hernandez left a suicide note for Kyle Kennedy, who one media outlet says was his prison lover, and that Kennedy was promised a $50,000 watch.

"I don't know who this Kyle Kennedy is," she said. "Aaron never mentioned him." She said Kennedy’s claims about being left a note and watch were a “crock of bull.”

Jenkins-Hernandez and Hernandez’s lawyer Jose Baez said that Hernandez left three notes in his cell — one for Jenkins-Hernandez, one for Hernandez’s 4-year-old child and one for Baez. They said the third letter was not left for Kennedy.

Kennedy on Tuesday released a statement that read in part: “I want to be clear that at no time have I seen a note addressed to me from my close friend Aaron Hernandez but I have reason to believe it was in fact intended for me. It was the press that first reported that this letter was sent to me and as a result, my attorney, Larry Army Jr., has repeatedly requested a copy for us to review. The story about who this letter was sent to has changed several times but based upon the close relationship that I had with Aaron, it is highly likely that it was in fact intended for me. I again renew my request to have the letter released to my attorney so we can put this issue to rest.”

We wrote last month that we were concerned by the rush to judgment of some in the media that Hernandez was gay or bisexual with zero evidence. This was based on one story in the Daily Mail citing a source that said Hernandez had a prison lover.

There was also reporting by a Boston journalist speculating that Hernandez committed murder in part to cover up his sexual orientation. Jenkins-Hernandez also pushed back at that in her “Dr. Phil” interview.

“It doesn’t sound like Aaron. Aaron never, never necessarily ran from a situation,” she said. “We’re in 2017. There’s so many people that are coming out, that feel comfortable in their skin. I didn’t see him as being uncomfortable. “

The Daily Mail is notoriously unreliable and yet numerous LGBT and mainstream outlets ran with their story. It was a sexy and salacious angle, since gay prison sex is a common meme and it made the whole case that much more titillating. It’s a shame so many in the media simply regurgitated what the Daily Mail reported with little skepticism or reporting.