Mexico fans again proudly chanted a gay slur throughout a soccer match on Sunday, blasting United States goalie Brad Guzen with ‘puto’ over and over and over. ‘Puto’ is a slur against gay men and is meant to demean the target of the chants.

Interestingly, messages reportedly appeared in the stadium asking fans to not chant the slur. What makes it most interesting is that Mexico has claimed it isn’t a slur (after claiming it is), so it’s fascinating to see them yet again admit that the chant is a problem.

Mexico has been repeatedly fined for its fans using the gay slur to demean opponents. They will be again fined for this. At some point FIFA will have to take the drastic measure of having Mexico play in front of empty stadiums to prevent the slur, as Mexico fans seem to be unable to control themselves. FIFA has handed down that edict for many other countries before.

Related: Mexican soccer fans continue to chant gay slur even after Orlando

Sadly Fox Sports, who broadcast this match, took no steps to curb the broadcast of the chant. Fox Sports and ESPN have demonstrated zero willingness to curb the broadcasting of these slurs. They know when they are going to happen and they could easily mute the audio so no one has to hear it, yet they choose not to. It’s time the FCC steps in, just as they would if the crowd was chanting a particular racial slur.

Next up for the Mexican National Team is a match in San Diego July 9. Their fans WILL CHANT A GAY SLUR! What will Qualcomm Stadium do to stop this? What will the State of California do to stop it? The state has a public accommodations law that protects LGBT people, and fans having to endure listening to the chanting of a gay slur violates that law.

Governor Jerry Brown, are you listening?