The St. Louis Cardinals are hoping you have totally forgotten that they fully embrace a hero of the anti-LGBT movement, and pony up some cash for their coffers.

The team announced they are hosting their first-ever official Pride Night, on Aug. 25, after they had to scramble to explain why they are giving a platform to anti-LGBT ideologue Lance Berkman for the team’s Christian Day. They actually didn’t do much scrambling, simply putting out a really bad statement reiterating that they “welcome” Berkman and, by association, his message.

Just to remind you of who Berkman is, he was one of the voices and faces of the campaign that overturned Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance that protected LGBT people from discrimination. He has also said “tolerance is the virtue that’s killing this country.”

Tickets for Pride Night range all the way up to almost $150 for the event. Pride Night ticket holders aren’t congregated in one area but will be spread out throughout the ballpark, which tells you the team doesn’t have any idea what it’s doing in hosting a Pride Night and have simply thrown this together to pay lip service to our community.

The Cardinals are throwing in a $3 Pride hat if you hand over your cash, so at least there’s that.

You literally could not pay me to attend this Pride Night until the Cardinals announce they are replacing Berkman as their Christian Day speaker, and I hope the entire LGBT community stays away from this night until they do.