Openly gay professional wrestler Sweet Johnny Velvet took home the world heavyweight championship for Fighting Evolution Wrestling, a promotion based in Florida. According to the Miami Herald, Velvet won the title over his former tagteam partner, Reggie Rythm. Velvet told the Herald that while some matches have elements that are scripted, he was as surprised as everyone else when the matched ended with him pinning his opponent and teammate for the title.

“It was one of those moments facing my former tag team partner and I pinned him 1-2-3. I know in wrestling some things are predetermined but I really didn’t know anything,” he told the Herald.

One fun element is that Velvet won the title during Pride month and the day after the anniversary of the Pulse shooting. He said he got very emotional after he won the championship, many years of hard work finally being recognized with the title.

“As far as being a door opener for people, I just want to show that we can do it,” he said. “You can do anything you set your mind to.”

You can watch Velvet talk with Rodolfo Roman after the match: