The Dallas Stars have taken the unusual step of publicly opposing statewide legislation as a team. Stars president Jim Lites made clear Wednesday that the entire organization stands in opposition to the discriminatory bill targeting transgender people.

"The Dallas Stars stands strongly opposed to any legislation perceived as discriminatory, including proposed bathroom legislation," Lites said, according to Dallas News. "Dallas welcomes all, and we welcome all."

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Various “bathroom bills” are being considered by the Texas House of Representatives, all of which target the access transgender people have to public facilities like bathrooms. A discriminatory bill has already overwhelmingly passed the State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott has eagerly vowed to sign the legislation into law.

Earlier this year Houston Texans owner Bob McNair publicly offered his opposition to these bills, saying "I don't think we need it. … I think there are other things more important going on in the world."

Dallas will play host to the 2018 NHL Draft. The league has been criticized for sending the draft to Texas despite this looming legislation. It’s now up to the NHL and the Stars to make sure this legislation doesn’t see the Governor’s desk.