The Courage Game is returning.

The annual event dedicated to bringing together LGBT people and others on lacrosse fields will take place Sept. 23 in Boston. The first two Courage Games, held in 2015 and 2016, took place in Philadelphia.

“This is how you create change.” – Coach Anthony Nicodemo

The group is looking for both experienced lacrosse players and beginners interested in participating in this wonderful event aimed at bringing together people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

A couple years ago ESPN featured the Courage Game in a moving segment about its genesis, which happened when young lacrosse player Braeden Lange reached out to former professional lacrosse player Andrew Goldstein.

A bunch of folks have rallied around the Courage Game aiming to make it a big success this year, including Nike, NXT Sports, Speed Lacrosse and You Can Play.

The 2017 Courage Game will take place Saturday, Sept. 23, at Joe Moakley Park 1005 Columbia Road in South Boston. The event starts at 10am. If you want to participate in any way, please contact the organizers of the Courage Game.