The University of Southern Mississippi has lost a three-game home series next month as Stony Brook Univ. has pulled out of the road trip due to the state’s anti-LGBT law, according to the Biloxi Sun Herald.

In 2016 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned all deemed non-essential state travel to states that foster legal bigotry. In the same year Mississippi passed an anti-LGBT law masquerading as a “Religious Freedom Law” that targeted the access of gays and lesbians to businesses.

As a public institution Stony Brook has to abide by the travel ban, and they just realized it applied to Mississippi.

“I just hate losing the three home games,” USM head coach Scott Berry told the Sun Herald. “I’m sure it’s going to cost us for sure. That’s three gates and everything that goes into a game day in terms of revenue.”

To be clear, the anti-LGBT law will cost Mississippi revenue and may cost its university some baseball wins as the team replaces the home stand with a tournament in Texas. An open invitation to discrimination should cost every state and municipality revenue and glory, and it’s good to see Mississippi losing both here thanks to the State of New York.