Jaret Anderson-Dolan is only 19 and is already making an impact for the Los Angeles Kings, notching his first point last week. He gives all the credit for his success to his to lesbian moms, Fran and Nancy, for making hockey part of his blood.

“They were both crying,” Anderson-Dolan told the L.A. Times after he called his moms and said he made the opening day roster. “Obviously they’re proud of me. They’ve worked incredibly hard to help me get to this point. … They obviously have a big part in getting me here.”

Both Fran and Nancy played hockey as did his brother Dorian, and Jaret was on skates as early as age 2. He has celebrated being raised by two moms and is a vocal ally of the LGBTQ community.

Last year, on International Women’s Day, he wrote: “Happy #internationalwomensday to all the amazing women out there. I was raised by lesbian moms who have worked tirelessly to support me. I want to show my support for my moms and the rest of the wonderful women who bless my life everyday. I support women’s rights.”

His moms were in attendance for his NHL debut this month and were proud when he notched his first point, a feat celebrated by the Kings.

What’s cool is that while Anderson-Dolan wants to be known for his hockey ability, he recognizes a responsibility to be an advocate for LGBTQ people.

“Obviously, I’m very proud and it’s something that means a lot to me,” Anderson-Dolan told the Montreal Gazette of being raised by two mothers. “I’ve just been asked about it a lot. [But] I’ve embraced it. It’s something I want to kind of bring awareness to and I’m proud of. Given the situation I’m in, it’s kind of my responsibility to do that.”