Update: Emily Scheck’s gofundme page is again accepting donations to help pay her living and school costs.

The NCAA has reversed a previous decision to withhold online donations from Canisius College student Emily Scheck after a gofundme campaign raised over $25,000 to help her pay for food, books and tuition.

Scheck had been abandoned by her parents earlier this year when they found out she had a girlfriend.

The statement from Canisius College:

Canisius College received clarification from the NCAA that Emily Scheck can retain her eligibility and continue to receive GoFundMe donations that assist her with living and educational expenses. The NCAA staff worked cooperatively with Canisius College to provide guidance that the fundraiser can continue, with school monitoring. NCAA rules allow a school to assist a student-athlete with a fundraiser after a significant life event occurs.

Canisius and the NCAA will continue to work together in support of Emily. She is a member of the Canisius family and we will to do whatever we can to assist her.

We are not yet sure if and when Scheck will be able to receive additional funds from the crowdfunding campaign.

We applaud the NCAA and Canisius College for making sure that this student-athlete has the resources she needs. Hopefully going forward schools and the NCAA compliance office will be more understanding when athletes come to them with special needs created by unexpected life situations, like being abandoned by their parents.