Three youth athletes in Tennessee were recently profiled for their trailblazing participation in football, and we wanted to be sure you saw their inspiring story. They participate in football in Clarksville, Tenn., about 45 minutes northwest of Nashville, near the Kentucky border.

Two of the athletes are just 13 years old, and one is the ripe old age of 14. According to the Leaf Chronicle, “Two of the teens no longer identify with feminine pronouns, and the other has been bullied because of her gender.” All three of them are playing football — despite stereotypes that would keep them away — for the love of the game.

It’s the story of Ari Grimes that stood out for me. Ari identifies with male pronouns. And he has found acceptance beyond his dreams on this youth football team in the South.

From the Leaf Chronicle:

Ari found a sense of camaraderie and support with the Cowboys. Team members used proper pronouns, danced together during warm-ups and slapped each other’s helmets after a good play.

It’s a lesson adults can learn from the kids, according to Sanders.

“The way they (the adults) look at gender is probably restricting great students from excelling in something they could be good at,” he said.

Check out the entire article about these three athletes on the Leaf Chronicle, it’s well worth your time.