In August of 2018, CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman joined The OUT Foundation at our “Big Gay Happy Hour” event ahead of the finals of the 2018 CrossFit Games in Madison.

After years of discrimination, Glassman stood beside us to announce that, for the first time, transgender athletes would be allowed to compete in the 2019 CrossFit Games in the gender category of which they identify. This announcement changed years of rules and discrimination for trans athletes and their ability to be seen and compete as their true, authentic selves in sport.

But how does that momentous announcement affect the greater CrossFit community? We believe (and are hopeful!) that this hard-fought acceptance will translate into CrossFit Affiliate owners seeing an influx of members who are transgender or gender non-confirming now that CrossFit has begun to embrace LGBTQ+ athletes.

With that in mind, our advocacy is continuing to help spread this news and educate members of the fitness community about what true inclusivity in sport means.

The Work of the OUT Foundation

The OUT Foundation (the parent organization of OUTWOD, the world’s oldest and largest LGBTQ+ CrossFit organization) is embarking on a nationwide town hall tour dubbed the “Don’t Be An A**hole, Transgender Education Tour” to serve the greater CrossFit, fitness, and general business communities by sharing best practices for ensuring fitness is a safe space for transgender and gender non-conforming athletes.

In fitness, we are surrounded by people from all walks of life – all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identifies. As humans, it is vital that we treat everyone with respect and dignity.

The transgender and gender non-confirming communities must be included in that and, presently, these groups continue to fight an uphill battle in their every day lives. At The OUT Foundation, we believe it is the least we can do to make fitness a space where people can come to better themselves, to destress, and to take care of their health – no matter who they are.

On the road for a 6-week, 12-city tour

The easiest way to become an ally to those in the LGBTQ+ community is to educate others, and that is what the Don’t Be An A**hole Tour is all about – education. The town halls we are holding will be part education, part advocacy, and part open question and answer session for attendees to learn, connect, and get involved on a larger scale to truly become allies for the transgender community.

What Should You Expect from the Tour?

As The OUT Foundation brings this tour to cities across the United States, our goal is to provide access to useful and accessible educational materials and to answer often unaddressed questions about what it means to be trans in fitness. Each town hall will be about an hour long and promises to be engaging, enlightening, and even a little fun.

Who Should Come?

Honestly – EVERYONE! Our goal is to have as many business owners, trainers, coaches, instructors, athletes, classmates, friends, and more as possible. Everyone will benefit from the material covered and will leave having learned something about themselves, their peers, and the world around them.

What Does it Cost to Attend?

NOTHING. We want this to be accessible to everyone – so tell your friends, your workout buddies, your local gym owner – and please RSVP!

When and Where are the Events?

We kick off the tour in New York City on January 11th and work our way down, around, and across the country over the next six weeks. Many of these stops are accompanied by one of our famous OUTWOD events the same weekend, so check our schedule and register to learn and sweat with us!

(Exact locations listed on the calendar here)

· January 11 – New York City

· January 12 – Washington, D.C.

· January 18 – New Orleans, La.

· January 20 – Miami, Fla. (as part of Wodapalooza)

· January 25 – Denver, Colo.

· January 27 – Salt Lake City, Utah

· February 1 – Austin, Texas

· February 8 – Nashville, Tenn.

· February 10 – Seattle, Wash.

· February 15 – Durham, N.C.

· February 16 – Atlanta, Ga.

· February 17 – San Francisco, Calif.

These town hall meetings will take place in fitness studios across the country and will be hosted by a team of transgender athletes, coaches, gym owners, and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. We’re excited to hit the road and hope you’ll join us!

Want to learn more about The OUT Foundation or attend an OUTWOD fitness event near you? Join us at