Several sports powerhouses are joining Outsports Pride as event partners in New York City this weekend.

Nike BeTrue returns as a partner in the event for the third straight year. The UFC, the NFL and the Los Angeles Dodgers are all also partnering with Outsports to make the event a memorable weekend for everyone involved, and to send a clear, powerful message of inclusion in sports.

Nike BeTrue was a founding partner of Outsports Pride at the very first event in 2016. BeTrue has been a powerful supporter of the entire LGBTQ sports movement for the last six years, hosting the LGBT Sports Summit, donating over $2.5 million to LGBTQ causes and issuing an annual line of apparel to celebrate Pride Month. The company is providing apparel for all Outsports Pride participants and will be hosting a special celebration of courage for all attendees this Friday.

UFC joins Outsports Pride as a sponsor of the event and the presenting sponsor of Outsports’ NYC Pride March contingent. The current UFC women’s champion, Amanda Nunes, is an out lesbian who proudly wears the rainbow flag.

Three UFC fighters will be joining Outsports for the March: UFC women’s flyweight Sijara Eubanks, UFC women’s strawweight Nina Ansaroff and UFC women’s strawweight Tecia Torres. All three of the women are out members of the LGBTQ community.

We’re excited to have UFC and some of its fighters marching with us for Pride.

The NFL is continuing its commitment to building inclusion in sports by partnering with Outsports, making it possible for former NFL player Ryan O’Callaghan to share his voice and presence at the event. NFL Films’ Shelagh Byrne, who is also active in NFL Pride, will also be a featured speaker at the Outsports Pride Summit this Friday.

The Los Angeles Dodgers have joined as official partners as well, providing tickets for every participant to this Saturday’s Dodgers’ game against the New York Mets. Dodgers Senior Vice-President Erik Bravermen will be a featured speaker at the Outsports Pride Summit.

Outsports Pride will bring together over 150 LGBTQ athletes, coaches and others in sports for New York City Pride this weekend. Weekend events include the Outsports Pride Summit and BeTrue’s Celebration of Courage on Friday, as well as social gatherings and the Pride March on Sunday.