The Miami Dolphins honored Tony Lima, the openly gay executive director of South Florida’s leading LGBTQ rights group, with its Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award this past weekend at the team’s home game with the Oakland Raiders.

Lima heads SAVE, one of the plaintiffs that successfully sued to bring same-sex marriage to Florida in 2015.

“This award from the Miami Dolphins is thus far the absolute highlight of my career,” Lima said. “To have my home team recognize me for my work towards making South Florida a more equal place for its LGBTQ citizens at their home football game with 70,000 people in the stands, sends a strong message.

“As both a Cuban American and openly gay leader, this award exemplifies that the Dolphins are truly inclusive and dedicated to its entire fan base regardless of their ethnicity, who they love or their gender identification.”

The Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award, given in all 32 NFL markets, came with a $2,000 donation to SAVE. The group is also gets a grant from the Dolphins as part of its Football Unites program.

October is Hispanic Heritage Month and the NFL does promotion at all of its games in Spanish as any TV viewer can attest to.